朗拿甸奴 x KidSuper 夢成真

Colm Dillane主理品牌向一代傳奇巴西足球員作出致意!
朗拿甸奴Ronaldinho x KidSuper聯名系列將正式登場!
當朗拿甸奴於2005年首次獲得FIFA世界年度最佳球員獎時,Colm Dillane還只是個紐約市生活嘅少年。於Colm Dillane成長過程中,睡房牆上貼滿朗拿甸奴嘅海報,標誌著朗拿甸奴對佢生活產生持久影響。
KidSuper品牌於2010年代初在一個地下室成立,遠離Camp Nou球場或朗拿甸奴踢過嘅任何場地,但Colm似乎一直知道佢會見到偶像,甚至有一日會同佢一齊工作。快轉到2024年,朗拿甸奴正式為KidSuper走上時尚界最大舞台:巴黎時裝週!

「I can’t believe this is happening, a dream come true. Thank you Ronaldinho for bringing a smile to the world and making a little boys dream come true!」

「When I was a kid all I wanted to be was Ronaldinho. I tried to copy his every move. I’d stay up for hours and hours trying to do the around the world just like he did. I wanted to exude his charisma, his joy, his vibrance, his freedom for life. I tried to smile like Dinho. I tried to dance like Dinho. I tried to dress like Dinho. And now I got to collaborate with Dinho. Never grow up my friends // for those of you who know how much this means to me. SUPERDINHO」