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Beate Skonare Karlsson任創意總監、成立於佛羅倫斯、總部設在斯德哥爾摩嘅品牌AVAVAV,每季度Fashion show定必矚目,總會讓Models奔走、嬉戲玩樂、刻意仆親!

今回於米蘭時裝週最後一日發佈SS25「Forza e Coraggio」(意大利文,解作「力量與勇氣」)設定於運動場上變成RUNway,延續奧運熱,又不盡然,主軸當然屬於AVAVAV x adidas Originals聯乘系列,一眾(如蛙鞋嘅)四隻腳趾 / 手指鞋套(可變手袋)、鞋帶帽、手指帽 / 袋、四隻Superstar鞋連成嘅包包(向經典adidas Airliner袋款致敬)、於身上手繪穿戴三間藝術,又或模特兒專登行 / 走到好Hea、疲憊不堪、吐口水、掉垃圾個樣,都賞心悅 / 奪目!田徑場上揮灑汗水(同埋個妝、人體彩繪)顯影營役生活幽默感!

「Where high fashion meets low performance.」
「The show is very silly and fun. So yeah, silliness is definitely a word that was on the mood-board.」

「, there's the number "13" [on a lot of the collection] which is like an unlucky player number. We're basically just trying to be funny.」
「...where the models are going to try to break the world record in the 100 metres race... I think it's 9 seconds.」