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入主Calvin Klein確認!5個關於Raf Simons的小事!

早前盛傳Calvin Klein的新任創意總監為Raf Simons的消息終於得到官方確認!接替女裝設計總監Francisco Costa及男裝設計總監Italo Zucchelli一職,Raf Simons將會負責整個Calvin Klein品牌包括ck Calvin Klein、Calvin Klein Jeans、Calvin Klein ready-to-wear、underwear及香水線等。

Calvin Klein, Inc. today announced the appointment of Raf Simons as Chief Creative Officer of the brand, effective immediately. ⠀ Mr. Simons will lead the creative strategy of the Calvin Klein brand globally across the Calvin Klein Collection, Calvin Klein Platinum, Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Jeans, Calvin Klein Underwear and Calvin Klein Home brands. As part of his role as Chief Creative Officer, Mr. Simons will oversee all aspects of Design, Global Marketing and Communications, and Visual Creative Services. Mr. Simons’ first collections will debut for the Fall 2017 season. ⠀ The appointment of Mr. Simons as Chief Creative Officer marks the implementation of Calvin Klein’s new global creative strategy, announced in April 2016, to unify all Calvin Klein brands under one creative vision. The strategy comes as part of a global evolution of the Calvin Klein brand, which began with the reacquisition of the Calvin Klein Jeans and Calvin Klein Underwear businesses in 2013. As Calvin Klein looks to grow the brand to $10 billion in global retail sales, this new leadership is intended to further strengthen the brand’s premium positioning worldwide and pave the way for future long-term global growth. ⠀ The arrival of Raf Simons as Chief Creative Officer signifies a momentous new chapter for Calvin Klein,” said Steve Shiffman, CEO of Calvin Klein, Inc. “Not since Mr. Klein himself was at the company has it been led by one creative visionary, and I am confident that this decision will drive the Calvin Klein brand and have a significant impact on its future. Raf’s exceptional contributions have shaped and modernized fashion as we see it today and, under his direction, Calvin Klein will further solidify its position as a leading global lifestyle brand.” ⠀ As part of the creative strategy for the apparel and accessories business, Calvin Klein also announced the hire of Pieter Mulier as Creative Director, reporting directly to Mr. Simons. Mr. Mulier will be responsible for executing Mr. Simons' creative and design vision for all men’s and women’s apparel and accessories lines within the Calvin Klein brand.

A photo posted by Calvin Klein (@calvinklein) on Aug 2, 2016 at 7:00am PDT

Raf Simons一向以簡約的美學概念而為人津津樂道,所以是次的加盟,定能帶領Calvin Klein走向新的一章,再次令簡約變為王道,大家在期待他的首個CK系列前,先多認識一點關於Raf Simons吧!

-5 facts about Raf Simons!-



曾經擔任Jil Sander的創意總監達7年之久,及後接替John Galliano主理Chritian Dior三年,Raf Simons對兩個品牌的付出實在是有目共睹,在他的領導下,Jil Sander和Dior開創新章。而每每來到終結時,Raf Siomsn都會格外傷感,他在Jil Sander(右圖)和Dior(左圖)兩次最後的fashion show中均做出心形手勢以表不捨,可見 Raf Simons重情又可愛的一面。BTW,呢個先係本格心形手勢,筆者堅持韓國時興那個姆指食指交疊的手勢是不正統的心形(怒)。

2.球鞋最愛adidas Stan Smith

要數Raf Simons最愛的球鞋款式,必定是Stan Smith。繼早前接受《Wall Street Journal》訪問表示,他從15歲起便一直穿上Stan Smith直到25歲,整整10年間,腳下之靴沒有改變過!難怪以後Raf Simons的自家同名品牌亦不停與 adidas的Stan Smith聯乘,各色其式,不作他選。

adidas x Raf Simons FW15,將Stan Smith的經典三間穿孔改成「R」字樣!

3.最愛樂隊The XX

音樂與Raf Simons有著不能分割的關係,而他近年最愛的,便是英倫另類樂隊「The XX」。當中The XX最為人熟悉的歌曲必定是《Crystalised》和《Angels》,Raf Simons原本覺得The XX的曲風十分怪異,其後卻被他們對音樂的高度領悟所感染了。

The XX -《Angels》


Raf Simons雖沒有親口承認自己是個雙性戀,然而他曾經有個比利時籍的時裝設計師女友Veronique Branquinho(左圖),兩人雖於2000年分開了,但再見亦是朋友。而最新戀情曝光,便是Raf Simons在離任Dior後的一個月出席Christian Dior's Guggenheim Museum活動時,帶上了最新男友Jean-Georges d'Orazio(右圖),他更表示和男友到 Disney遊玩很開心,果然童心未泯呢!

5.因為Martin Margiela而投身時裝界

Martin Margiela SS 1991

Raf Simons本來修讀工業及傢俱設計,卻因為在1991年看過Martin Margiela的fashion show後受到很大啟發,令他決心成為一位與衣常在的時裝設計師。所以要多謝Martin Margiela,才有今天Raf Simons的作品!

在Raf Simons的領班下,Calvin Klein會變成如斯模樣確令人期待,而筆者們最期待的,當然係在千禧年代紅遍旺角街頭的CK內褲在Raf Simons的加持下有沒有新玩法吧,完!